Pastoral Care Training Pack

Unit 7: Money - The Lilies of the Field

7.1       Scripture & worship:



Heavenly Father, who gave us the world in all its richness and variety in an act of pure generosity, who gave us everything we have and everything we are so that we can do no good without you; help us to imitate the life and proclaim the teaching of your son, that we may love justice, and love our neighbour as ourselves; and give us the grace to be good stewards of your bounty, honouring our commitments and making sacrifices in your name so that we may, in turn, be witnesses and guides to those who fall into trouble and call upon in their need.


Can: Lord, we thank you for your gifts
Res: May we be good stewards.

  1. Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the gifts that you have given us; help us to be prudent and joyful stewards of all you have given:
  2. Heavenly Father, we thank you for our comfort and security; may we learn to balance our commitments with generosity, ready to make sacrifices in imitation of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ:
  3. Heavenly Father, who gave us different gifts so that we might forge a sense of community; help us to trust those who act as stewards of our money and give them the grace to act with prudence and integrity:
  4. Heavenly Father, lover of humanity, help us to see you in all your children, particularly those who are poor and in need of our generosity:
  5. Heavenly Father, help us to put the joys and sorrows of this world into perspective so that we never confuse gift and entitlement; and so that we may be subject to your will rather than our own whims. Amen.

7.2       Introduction

  1. Money is a neutral means of exchange which can be used for good or ill; what Christians reject is its misuse or the love of it for its own sake. The teaching of Jesus is particularly challenging for a society like ours which has grown used to affluence but the division between rich and poor within our country and between countries presents us with an opportunity. People might get into money trouble because of their own greed, ignorance, carelessness or generosity or because of circumstances beyond their control, and so it is vitally important not to jump to conclusions; it is our task to bring comfort and open channels to sound advice. Very special care must be taken in the use of Scripture in this area.
  2. In this Unit we will consider:
    • Concepts of prudence and generosity;
    • The real financial position of members of the Christian family;
    • Sources of impartial advice.
  3. By the end of this Unit we should have the self confidence to:
    • Empathise with people in different circumstances;
    • Know when and how to refer someone in financial difficulties.

7.3       Key Concepts

  1. Prudence
    • We have responsibilities for our family and others to whom we have made a specific commitment;
    • We have a responsibility to know and understand our own financial position.
  2. Generosity
    • Christians support tithing;
    • Giving involves sacrifice;
    • Generosity and prudence should be held in tension.
  3. Denial
    • Denial is a common characteristic of financial difficulty;
    • Facing up to a situation is a necessary starting point;
    • Nothing can be achieved without honesty.
  4. Advice
    • People in difficulties should speak to those with whom they have financial arrangements;
    • Impartial advice may be necessary;
    • Care must always be taken before involving relatives.

7.4       Presentation

The first one of these should be mandatory:

7.5       Case Sketches

  1. Jim is a faithful member of the church and is seriously deprived because he gives so much to it
  2. Pauline's children are convinced their mother is in financial difficulties and want to intervene
  3. Sam does not open letters that look worrying
  4. Rose is falling behind in her payments to a 'loan shark'
  5. Tim simply can't manage on his state pension.

7.6       Response:

7.7       Resources