Thinking Sacramental Presence in a Postmodern Context

14. ("untitled":) On Denoting Sacramental Presence

Toine Van Den Hoogen (p368)

What kind of longing is hidden in these rites (p368)? In a Durckheimian sense (p369). Tertullian's sacramentum based on Paul's Mysterion (p370).

Can you interpret sacramental presence 'downwards' into the mundane (p371)? Tertullian's linguistic programme (p372); Augustine's theological odyssey towards God (p373-4); theology is challenged to review its linguistic programme (p375); Schoenberg (p376), the economy of salvation (the signifier) demands that our faith in God be honest about  the unity and completeness of a human person (p377).

What happens when my participation in rites is no longer in the analogical  context of a 'strong' linguistic programme? (p378). The alternative is Eco's 'weak' linguistic programme, language as a labyrinth, leaving the idea of perfection (p379), from transcendence to "god becoming related to worthless people" (Schoenberg); we are aware of sacramental presence among the weak. Conclusion (p38)).