From The Abundance of the Heart: Catholic Evangelism for All Christians

Study Notes: Part I

Chapter 1 - Prayer: The Way We Access and Are Renewed by God's Vision (p3)

Good news can only be spread if you've got it; it comes from spirituality/prayer; "... you can't accompany anyone from a seated position" (p4). "The chief reason that many churches struggle with evangelism ... is that they are not places of prayer" (p5). Prayer is our response to god (p6).

Chapter 2 - A theological Vision: The Faith that Changes Our Life and The Gospel We share (p7)

"Developing a generous and hospitable Christian community ... is a vital first step to becoming an evangelising church" (p8). Robert Warren: "... growth is a natural consequence of health"; seven marks of a healthy church (p8). Vision, purpose and strategy (p9); alignment (p9).

Chapter 3 - What Kind of Church Does God Want Us to Be (p11)

When church diverted by secondary issues, drives people away but its unity remains because it is the body of Christ (p11). Definitions of holy, catholic and apostolic in the context of evangelisation (p12-13); worship, nurture and outreach (p13). 4-point plan for developing purpose statement for mission church (p15-16).

A Sermon: Getting Evangelism onto The Agenda (p17)

In The Pub: Dialogue (p21)

The Culture in which We Evangelise and The Way We Respond (p25)

Contemporary cultural analysis, fairly standard, Hollinghurst sharper.