Advent to Candlemas (Vol. 1)

Magi, Cana & Jordan

1. The truth long known in Israel,
Now signalled by a guiding star,
Brings kings and sages from afar
To share the hope of God made man
Foreshadowed when the world began:
The Chosen People have foretold
A world encompassed in His Fold.

2. His power long stored within His soul
Erupted in the joyful grace
Of wine to take the water's place,
At once a symbol from above
Of value placed on human love
But more, a signal of the tryst
We share with Him in Eucharist.

3. The penitence on Jordan's Bank
Points to the water's power to save
Those who will be immersed in love,
The Baptist's cry at Jesu's feet,
So harsh in timbre with meaning sweet:
Magi, Cana and Jordan's rite
Fill the whole world with holy light.