General (Vol. 1)

The Drama of Life

  1. Thy loving arms, my Lord, embrace each day
    The skeins of life, the jammed suburban roads
    And peasant women bearing cruel loads,
    Not just the rustic sons of wheat and hay;
    And though no piety goes unremarked
    And simple sacrifice commands Thy Grace
    Rendering to Caesar has its proper place
    In taxes paid and cars legally parked.

  2. When broken clods thud on the polished wood
    Or water trickles from the baby's head,
    When Vows by Priest or bride are meekly said,
    With swelling hearts all that we hope is good:
    But when a taunt is closest to the mark
    And selfishness seems not to render harm
    Our thin excuses only bring false calm
    And lead us smear by smear into the dark.

  3. When pleas rise to Thee, father, wrapped in prayer
    Borne by the intercession of Thy Son
    Whose reign of hope and love has for us won
    The fruits of faith autonomy must bear,
    Accept our smouldering  offerings to Thee
    Which, sparked, add power to the Spirit's flame
    To torch the tower of cant built in Thy name
    Foreshadowing the heavenly light all pent in Thee.