General (Vol. 1)


  1. Though I fail in contemplation,
    Tinkering with words and light;
    Though You are so different from me,
    Being great as I am slight;
    Though our reaching for each other
    Seems like passing ships at night:
    I think of You.

  2. Though I fail in navigation,
    Veering when I should walk straight;
    Though You never tire of calling
    When I'm trapped behind a gate;
    Though You always keep Your promises
    It always seems too long to wait:
    I miss You.

  3. Though I fail in adoration,
    Stuck in formulae and fear,
    Though I sing in every fibre
    And I feel You sometimes hear;
    Though we have tumultuous moments
    Only silence makes things clear:
    I worship You.

  4. Though I fail in admiration,
    Getting used to what You say,
    Though Your ever present goodness
    Tends to make me feel blase;
    Though I falter, I will never
    Give you up, or so I pray:
    I love You.