General (Vol. 1)


  1. My grandmother sits in her straight backed chair,
    Iron frame glasses and iron grey hair:
    Reading her bible; What does she find there?
    Smiting Philistines and slaughtering sheep in huge amounts:
    But with God It's the sacrifice that counts.

  2. I read the stories of the manger and the Cross,
    The mystical dice that brought triumph out of loss:
    What did I find there, crow or albatross?
    Endless protestations, hypocrisy in huge amounts:
    But with God It's the ministry that counts.

  3. Now and then I go to church, keep the insurance up-to-date,
    It's not too hard to give up greed and hate:
    But all the theology is difficult to translate:
    Since Jesus died for us there have been words in vast amounts:
    But with God It's the poetry that counts.