General (Vol. 3)

For the Troubled

  1. Look down with love
    And with Your special care
    On those who search within
    But cannot find You there;
    On those who once enjoyed
    The comfort of Your peace
    But only now find emptiness
    To take its place.
  2. Pity the souls
    That are beset by doubt,
    More aching than the ignorant
    Who never sought You out;
    More needy than the comfortable
    Who never need to search
    But find You in the bosom
    Of Your life enhancing Church.
  3. Pity the lost lamb
    That wanders far away,
    That needs You and its brethren
    To bring it back to pray;
    That needs You, Holy Lamb,
    With all that You have given,
    To show the wanderer how
    to follow You to Heaven.