General (Vol. 3)

Jesus is Living in Everyone

Think of the people all over the world,
So different in language and culture and hair;
How different we are in the things we enjoy,
And the way that we cook and the clothes that we wear:
But one thing is the same wherever we're from
Because Jesus is living in everyone.

Remember the difference in what we possess,
The starving who die in the tropical heat,
And our brothers and sisters who call for our help,
Like the tattered old beggars who lie in the street:
We must try to be kind to all we come upon
Because Jesus is living in everyone.

As the King of the World He wants us to be free
And that comes from being good to all people on earth,
For we are all equal as He lives in us
As he once shared our troubles from His humble birth:
He was human like us and yet God's only son
And now Jesus is living in everyone.